Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why I learnt to sew

Male pattern boldness inspired me to think about why it was I learnt to sew...after a very unpromising start.....

Back in ancient history, when puffy vest were fashionable and walkmans the "must-have", I first encounted high school textiles.  My initial projects were not interesting, not creative, not well made.  One denim pencilcase, a tie-dyed apron and half made polyester skirt later.....I lead the discussion on how bloody sexist it was that we had to do textiles, and why wasn't wood-working on the compulsory course list at a girls school?

Not for another 5 years did I even think about fabric.  I'd moved to Melbourne for University, and was a very poor student.  During the cold winter, a pamplet arrived advertising a local community class on quilt-making.  Seizing the opportunity on saving money by not buying a new doona...I signed up for the classes.

After the first class I was hooked.  I made the ugliest patchwork square, but the community house lent me the sewing machine, and away I went frantically sewing.

I still have the first quilt I ever made, and it gets used everyday during winter.  While it certainly did not end up being cheaper than a doona - I've never needed to buy it!

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