Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chuck rug complete!

Finally Aston's rug has been completed!  The binding took longer than expected, as the edging on the hand towel was quite bulky, and needed to be cut off.  I ended up folding the now trimmed edge to puff up the binding.

Overall it was a simple project, and should take 3 hours if completely machine sewn.  It used 1/3 of a moda layer cake fabric pack.

We gave this to our lovely neighbours for their son, and it's going to be pretty handy, as apparently smushing food on one's face and surrounds, is the best fame when you're under one :)

Today we also found out our friends are expecting their second child, so best getting cracking on another!  Although all my remaining fabric from this layer cake is I hope it's a girl!

1 comment:

  1. i'm amazed how much little people can chuck up - so glad i'm over that stage. looks great and i think the color would suit boy or girl.
